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Portal technology refers to the use of centralized portals to expose underlying functionality of a system. A portal acts as a doorway, allowing the underlying functionality (which is often quite complex) to be presented and used in a much more user-friendly manner.

Some of the benefits of implementing a company portal are:

Self-Service Convenience  - Clients, partners and customers expect to pick and choose how they interact and connect with you. Intranet portal software is cloud based, and offers a number of distinct advantages and the most important is that it means you are accessible 24/7, all year round.


Improved Service To Partners And Customers - In today’s highly competitive marketplace, all companies need to offer superior customer services or risk seeing their clients and partners vote with their feet. Intranet portal software enables you to provide much more responsive and personalized customer services that will see you increase your brand loyalty.


Increased Productivity - Automating business processes using intranet portal software offers the real potential to deliver costs savings by streamlining procedures and saving time for both you and your clients. Whether it’s placing an order with suppliers, reporting on sales data or sharing a detailed tender document, all of this can be accomplished securely through the portal and a few clicks of the mouse.

Secure Transfer Of Data - If your operations regularly require the exchange of sensitive data or financial information with clients and partners, then the portal allows you to quickly and easily do so within a secure online environment. 

Increased Opportunities For Collaboration And Engagement - An intranet software portal gives you a direct line of communication with partners, customers and clients. The opportunities for engagement and joint working are, therefore, increased many-fold and will have the very desirable knock-on effect of increased client satisfaction and loyalty.

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